Next Chapter PQ Coaching

Next Chapter PQ Coaching


Our advanced and comprehensive approach goes beyond traditional leadership coaching. We address an individual’s unique set of saboteurs—internal patterns of thinking and behavior that hinder personal and professional growth. Here’s what makes PQ Coaching stand out:

Inclusion of PQ App with GROW Content: Throughout the coaching contract (available for 3, 6, or 12 months), participants have access to the PQ app. This continuous support enhances the coaching process.

Seamless Synergy with PQ Bootcamp: While PQ Coaching naturally complements completion of a PQ Bootcamp, it also functions independently. It caters to individuals who haven’t participated in the bootcamp.

Multifaceted Approach: We blend elements of traditional leadership coaching with specialized techniques to identify and mitigate sabotaging tendencies. This comprehensive strategy fosters professional growth and mental fitness.

Ideal Participants:Those seeking stress reduction, improved results, and better relationships at work and in life.

Individuals open to coaching for development and embracing Positive Intelligence concepts.


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