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From Our Clients

Client Feedback
2024 Saboteur Workshop, Microsoft Team

Nancy, Asli,

Just a quick note to say a massive thank you for the super enlightening Positive Intelligence training you led for our team. Seriously, it was fantastic!

Your energy and expertise kept us all hooked from start to finish. And those practical tips and strategies left us feeling super inspired. We are ready to put them into action to level up both personally and professionally.

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge with us. Can't wait to potentially work together again down the road!

Aug 12, 2024
Mental Fitness Client/Executive Coach

In our times, who wouldn't benefit from increasing their mental fitness? Don't do this alone, hire Nancy Beacham. With decades of experience in HR, Nancy not only models what she teaches, she helps you navigate working out at the gym of mental fitness with clarity, pragmatic frameworks and tools, and with courage and grace.

Aug 16, 2023
A 2023 Training Participant

There were many benefits to my Bootcamp experience for me in work and life. Including all the important stress reduction I was looking for. But the biggest was: I rediscovered joy in my life. I don't know when it disappeared in my adulthood, but regaining my joy in life has been priceless.

Apr 7, 2023